Where to Install Your Home EV Charger: Expert Tips and Advice

When it comes to installing an EV charger at home, there are a few things to consider. The first and most important decision is where to install it. This decision can impact the convenience of charging, the cost of installation, and the safety of the charger.

One option is to install the charger in your garage. This is a popular choice as it provides a secure and weather-protected location for the charger. It also allows for easy access to your vehicle for charging. However, it may require additional electrical work to be done if your garage is not already wired for charging. Another option is to install the charger outside, either on a wall or on a standalone post. This can be a more cost-effective option as it may not require as much electrical work. However, it may not be as convenient for daily charging and may be more exposed to the elements. Ultimately, the decision of where to install your home EV charger will depend on your specific needs and circumstances.

Understanding EV Chargers

As I researched the best place to install my home EV charger, I realised that understanding the different types of chargers available is essential.

Types of EV Chargers

There are three types of EV chargers: Level 1, Level 2, and DC fast chargers. Here’s a brief overview of each:

  • Level 1 chargers: These chargers are the slowest, providing up to 5 miles of range per hour of charging. They’re best suited for overnight charging at home.
  • Level 2 chargers: These chargers are faster, providing up to 25 miles of range per hour of charging. They require a 240-volt outlet and are ideal for home charging.
  • DC fast chargers: These chargers are the fastest, providing up to 80% charge in 30 minutes. They’re best suited for public charging stations on long trips.

Charging Port Types

It’s also important to understand the different charging port types. There are two types: AC and DC.

  • AC charging ports: These are used for Level 1 and Level 2 chargers and require an AC power source.
  • DC charging ports: These are used for DC fast chargers and require a DC power source.

Charging Times

Charging times vary depending on the type of charger and the size of the battery. Here’s a rough estimate of charging times for a 60 kWh battery:

  • Level 1 charger: 12 hours for a full charge
  • Level 2 charger: 8 hours for a full charge
  • DC fast charger: 45 minutes for an 80% charge

Understanding the different types of chargers, charging port types, and charging times will help you choose the right EV charger for your home.

Factors to Consider When Installing an EV Charger

Available Space

When installing an EV charger, it’s important to consider the available space. The size of the charger and the space required for the vehicle to park and charge should be taken into account. A typical EV charger requires a space of about 3 feet by 1.5 feet. However, some chargers may require more space, so it’s important to check the manufacturer’s specifications.

Proximity to Electrical Panel

The location of the electrical panel is another important factor to consider when installing an EV charger. The charger should be installed as close as possible to the electrical panel to minimize the cost of running the electrical cables. If the charger is installed too far away from the electrical panel, the cost of running the cables may be higher.

Cable Length

The length of the cable required to connect the charger to the electrical panel should also be considered. The length of the cable will depend on the distance between the charger and the electrical panel. It’s important to ensure that the cable is long enough to reach the electrical panel without any tension or strain.

Outdoor or Indoor Installation

The location of the EV charger should also be considered when deciding whether to install it indoors or outdoors. If the charger is installed outdoors, it should be protected from the elements and placed in a location that is easily accessible. If the charger is installed indoors, it should be placed in a location that is easily accessible and does not obstruct any pathways.

In summary, when installing an EV charger, it’s important to consider the available space, proximity to the electrical panel, cable length, and whether to install it indoors or outdoors. By taking these factors into account, you can ensure that your EV charger is installed in the most efficient and convenient location.

Choosing the Right Location

When it comes to installing a home EV charger, choosing the right location is crucial to ensure convenience, safety, and functionality. Here are some options to consider:

Garage Installation

If you have a garage, it can be an ideal location for your EV charger. This option offers protection from the elements, privacy, and security. You can either mount the charger on the wall or install it on a post or pedestal. Make sure that the location is easily accessible and that there is enough space for your car and any other items in your garage.

Driveway Installation

If you don’t have a garage or prefer to park your car outside, a driveway installation may be the way to go. This option requires a dedicated circuit and a weather-resistant charger. You can choose between a wall-mounted or floor-standing charger, depending on your preferences and needs. Keep in mind that you may need to get a permit or permission from your local council to install a charger on the pavement or in the street.

Wall-Mounted Installation

A wall-mounted installation is a popular choice for many homeowners as it is space-efficient and easy to install. This option requires a sturdy wall, a dedicated circuit, and a charger that is compatible with your car’s make and model. You can also choose between a hardwired or plug-in charger, depending on your electrical system and preferences.

Floor-Standing Installation

A floor-standing installation is another option to consider if you have limited wall space or prefer a portable charger. This option requires a dedicated circuit and a charger that is compatible with your car’s make and model. You can also choose between a hardwired or plug-in charger, depending on your electrical system and preferences. Keep in mind that a floor-standing charger may take up more space and be less secure than a wall-mounted charger.

In conclusion, choosing the right location for your home EV charger depends on your preferences, needs, and budget. Whether you opt for a garage installation, driveway installation, wall-mounted installation, or floor-standing installation, make sure that you follow the manufacturer’s instructions, get a qualified electrician to install the charger, and comply with any local regulations or requirements.

Installation by Professionals

When it comes to installing your home EV charger, it’s always a good idea to consider hiring a professional electrician to do the job. Here are some reasons why:

  • Safety: Installing an EV charger involves working with high-voltage electricity, which can be dangerous if not handled properly. A professional electrician has the necessary knowledge and equipment to ensure that the installation is done safely and correctly.
  • Compliance: There are certain regulations and standards that need to be followed when installing an EV charger. A professional electrician will be familiar with these regulations and ensure that the installation is compliant with them.
  • Warranty: Many EV chargers come with a warranty that requires professional installation. If you install the charger yourself and something goes wrong, you may void the warranty.
  • Efficiency: A professional electrician can ensure that the installation is done efficiently, which can save you money on your electricity bill in the long run.

Overall, hiring a professional electrician to install your home EV charger can give you peace of mind and ensure that the installation is done safely and correctly.

Maintenance and Safety Precautions

As a responsible EV owner, it is essential to keep your home EV charger in good working condition to ensure its longevity and safety. Here are some maintenance and safety precautions that I recommend:

Regular Inspection

I suggest inspecting your EV charger regularly to ensure that it is working correctly. Check for any signs of wear and tear, such as cracks or frayed wires. If you notice any damage, I recommend contacting a qualified electrician to repair or replace the faulty components.

Keep it Clean

Dirt and debris can accumulate on your EV charger over time, which can affect its performance. I suggest cleaning the unit regularly using a soft cloth and mild soap. Be sure to avoid using abrasive cleaners or harsh chemicals that can damage the charger’s finish.

Proper Storage

When not in use, it is essential to store your EV charger correctly. Keep it in a dry, cool place away from direct sunlight and extreme temperatures. I recommend wrapping the charging cable neatly to prevent any damage.

Safety Precautions

Safety should always be a top priority when using an EV charger. Here are some precautions to keep in mind:

  • Do not use a damaged or frayed charging cable.
  • Do not touch the charging cable or connector with wet hands.
  • Do not attempt to modify or repair the EV charger yourself.
  • Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions for use.

By following these maintenance and safety precautions, you can ensure that your home EV charger operates safely and efficiently for years to come.


In conclusion, choosing the right location for your home EV charger is crucial to ensure efficient and safe charging. After considering the various factors discussed in this article, I recommend installing your EV charger in a location that meets the following criteria:

  • Near your electrical panel to minimise installation costs and improve charging efficiency
  • Protected from the elements to ensure safe and reliable charging
  • Easily accessible for you and any future EV owners in your household
  • Compliant with local regulations and building codes

Remember to consult with a qualified electrician and your local authorities before installing your home EV charger. They can provide valuable guidance on the best location and any necessary permits or approvals.

Investing in a home EV charger is a smart choice for any EV owner, providing the convenience and cost savings of charging at home. By carefully considering the location of your charger, you can maximise its benefits and enjoy worry-free charging for years to come.


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